Tuesday 2 February 2010

Death Metal Guitar Lesson - Tips on Finding the Best Metal Axe to Play

Playing death metal on a guitar that's designed for standard rock or jazz just isn't going to cut it. It wouldn't really make much sense to see the professionals head-banging while they're wailing on pink Fender guitars.

If you want to make sure that your skills as a metal guitarist are being compensated well with a good instrument, you need to do your homework. Check out these 6 things that are important to research on a guitar that's good for playing death metal.

1. You can reach easier with a thinner guitar neck. Death metal guitarists are all about playing faster and making it easy to do so, and having a thinner guitar neck suits that purpose perfectly. Sure, you might enjoy a thicker neck for a firmer grip, but those are mostly for rock rhythm players that aren't looking for intense speed brutality.

2. More frets can give you more possibilities. If you're the type of guitarist that likes to solo up and down the neck, you won't want a guitar that's limited in its fret count. Pick out something that you know has enough frets to suit your lead guitar purposes during the shows.

3. Fast action is always a plus. You want your strings to be easy to press down when you're trying to blast through those death metal guitar riffs to keep up with the drums right? Analyze the guitar bridge for its height and if you're set on a guitar, see about getting its action adjusted for an optimum playing experience.

4. Tone in the low end makes it growl. Some guitars for pop rock and punk are more about a boost in the mid-tone range, but for metal we need more low end. Play the guitars in the music store to find out which ones have more low end so that your break downs sound absolutely massive in the midst of a song.

5. Something lightweight is good for movement on stage. Do you like to move around on stage? If you do, then you won't want a big bulky instrument that makes it hard to move at all. Make sure that the instrument is light enough to do some action on stage, but still delivers the tone that you want.

6. You can't go wrong with killer colors and style. As frivolous as this lesson sounds, you can't get a guitar made for death metal unless you like what it looks like. Pick out your favorite dark hues with an awesome shape and style so that you cast the crowd into a state of awe.

You can't expect to really get somewhere as a death metal guitarist if you don't have the axe for the job. The next time you go looking for a new guitar, think of these 6 tips and get the best pick for your music.

Kyle Hoffman is an experienced guitarist that has been performing in rock and metal bands for years. To get his valuable tips on playing fast electric guitar for FREE, visit his popular guitar blog, How To Guitar Tune!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kyle_Hoffman

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