Saturday, 30 January 2010

Metal Guitar Lessons - Take Your Guitar and Get Ready!

Guitar lessons are always looked forward to with great awe and fascination. Playing a guitar like Eric Clapton or Adrian Smith is dreamt of by a vast majority. But learning to play guitar is not a very difficult task.

Guitar lessons vary according to the category one has chosen. Several categories like the blues, the rock, the lead, the jazz, the metal and so on are open before an aspiring guitarist. Amongst all these categories, the metal guitar is one that has attained great fame and popularity.

Metal guitar lessons have to be treated with special and sincere consideration. The way in which the metal guitar is played varies from the other categories. This is often associated with fast numbers, deviating from the usual pace that accompany the classic categories. To master this, it is essential to undergo some training so as to practice the various tricks and techniques.

Playing the guitar with excellent riffs and licks, come with a great deal of training and practice. There are several important aspects that one ought to know before making their way to the lessons of this style of guitar. The scales, harmonics and other techniques have to be first mastered. The knowledge of these can very well support the aggressive style used in playing metal guitar.

Metal guitar is made very peculiar and unique by the pace and the harsh style that go with it. A good mastery on the heavy and strong tones used can prove effective in enhancing your guitar playing skills. Speed and accuracy are aspects that can in no respect be overlooked.

The riffs and the lick give your performance that magical tinge which excites the audience. Learning these can help you to produce some outstanding music.

For more information on Free Online Guitar Lessons, visit the Easy Guitar Songs website.

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Metal Guitar Lesson - Two Handed Tapping

Two hand tapping is a key metal guitar lesson for anyone interested in lead guitar since it is one of the coolest and most versatile techniques a metal guitar player can have in their lead arsenal. Popularized by Eddie Van Halen in the late 70's and early 80's, two handed tapping quickly caught on and is now a favourite technique of some of the greatest names in metal guitar. Luckily, it isn't overly complicated to learn. If you can perform hammer-ons and pull-offs, you're already half way there.

Basically, two handed tapping is the act of fretting notes with your fretting hand as normal, but instead of picking, using one of the fingers on the picking hand to perform another hammer-on/pull-off further down the neck from the fretting hand.

Which finger you choose to tap with should really be a function of how you hold your pick. The vast majority of players hold their pick between their thumb and index finger, and so tapping with your index finger would require you ditch the pick somehow and retrieve it when you're done. Because of this, it's much easier to simply tap with your middle finger, allowing you to keep a hold of your pick for when you exit your tapping piece. (Note: Eddie Van Halen is one of few players who holds his pick between his thumb and middle finger, and as such, he taps with this index finger.)

Once you've decided which finger to tap with, it's simply a matter of performing a set of hammer-ons and pull-offs with your fretting hand and then introducing another note to the series with your picking hand. For a visual representation, check out some video lessons. After seeing it in action, you'll pick it up right away.

If you'd like to check out some lessons on techniques like this, as well as others, click here to check out Metal Method Guitar Lessons. I personally used this course and can vouch for the quality of it, and the website contains lots of free video lessons!

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Heavy Metal Guitar Lessons - Learn to Play With Power and Speed

Nothing beats the raw power, the energy, the exhilaration of a skillfully played heavy metal guitar power riff... except, perhaps, playing it yourself. Many aspiring metal guitarists are intimidated by the speed and complexity involved. But the truth is, it is really not as hard as you might think. With the teacher and with carefully designed heavy metal guitar lessons, you too can learn to crank out face melting, earth quaking heavy metal guitar.

The key is to find someone who has been through it all before. Everyone who has ever learned to play metal had to start somewhere. They started slow. They started with the fundamentals. If they were lucky, they found a good teacher. Then, after learning some insider tips and techniques, they gradually built up their speed and their skills. Before long they have mastered the skill, the stamina, and the speed required to really show off with the guitar. But they have to start somewhere.

The benefit of heavy metal guitar lessons is that there are some things that can only learn by finding someone who has already been through it. Metal guitar has a certain sound, a certain rhythm, certain tricks and techniques that really make it stand apart from the rest of guitar music. The key is to find a program dedicated to teaching those skills.

Learning to play metal on the guitar is not has difficult or as complicated as you might think. They key is to start at the beginning and take it slow. The speed will come. But what you need first is to study each technique and to practice it over and over again until you've mastered it. Then you can start playing louder and faster. It won't happen over night, but if you follow a dedicated program, it definitely will happen.

Click here for reviews and recommendations on step-by-step online guitar training programs including heavy metal guitar lessons, be sure to visit

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Heavy Metal Guitar Lessons

People often pose the question "what makes metal... metal?" Well, firstly, for posing such a vague question you deserve to be shot! But I'll try my damnedest to make the point...

Metal guitar playing comprises of many features, techniques, tricks, or whatever you want to call them. You'll often find that guitarists will form their own little niche where they excel in one particular area, no different from a footballer's flare or a chess player's technique, and eventually it becomes part of their signature sound. However, the idea is to be a well-rounded player before you find your niche.

I've noticed nowadays that some people make the mistake of jumping ahead, and go straight onto trying to shred as fast as they can, locking themselves away in their bedroom practicing scales to a metronome, but they don't have a creative bone in their body, and if you asked them to write something they'd be stuck! Not to mention their technique tends to be under par, because they don't have the foundation to build on. Solid rhythmic techniques are the foundation of any guitar great. Without it you have no sense of feel and groove, and it's imperative if you don't want your playing to be mechanical and lifeless!

By all means shred, but you'll find the timing so much easier if you have a tight discipline in rhythm. You don't run before you can walk, in other words. I also feel nowadays that a lot of flare has been taken out of guitar riffs, and they're used purely as a stepping stone to get to the next shred passage, or a random section of sweep picked arpeggios are thrown in for good measure. A riff is the main body of the song, it's the bit you remember, and it's the music! If it's not grabbing people's attention, it's not catchy, it has no 'hook' and it's just generic, then you need to revise what the riff is all about!

To find out more about how to play heavy metal guitar, and to grab some great heavy metal guitar lessons, simply follow the link below

Heavy Metal Guitar Lessons

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Heavy Metal Guitar Lessons Online

If you are looking for heavy metal guitar lessons online you will find several options to choose from. You have books, CDs, DVDs and online guitar membership sites: these are the usual ways for people to learn to play guitar online, although you occasionally find personal tuition advertised by one or other of the national franchises.

The question is, is it possible to learn heavy metal guitar online, or do you simply learn how to play guitar, and then adapt what you have learned into the heavy metal genre? The answer is a bit of both. A guitar beginner won't just start right off learning how to play heavy metal. It might be possible to do so, but you would suffer because of it, and here's why.

You have to get to know your guitar before trying to get any sound out of it. A good beginners course of guitar lessons will first show you each part of your guitar, such as the body, the soundboard, the neck, the strings and so on - even as far as the eyelets the strings are tied to, because these can also affect the sound. There are certain adjustments that can be made to your guitar that can change the sound, and the way you string it can be critical.

The positioning of the pick-ups, and even the type and make of pick-up, has a bearing on what sort of sound you get, and for a heavy metal player the pick-ups are very important, as is the choice of strings. These are all aspects of your guitar that you should be taught as you go along - and at the appropriate time, since much of it would be meaningless until you were in a position to understand the differences.

Before you start thinking you are Tony Iommi or Slash, you first have to learn how to hold your guitar, and then how to strum properly. Then you have to get your fret fingering right, pick up a few chords and get started on some fingerpicking. Before you can really start playing solos, you have to master some scales, particularly the pentatonics that are the basis behind most of the great licks you have heard. Most are simply pentatonic scales played up, and down the frets, perhaps with a few harmonics and chords thrown in.

Very few people learn heavy metal just by picking up a guitar and starting to play. Some do, but at some time in their career they have to learn the proper techniques or they will never get past ordinary. You need tuition for that. Or the time to stand and watch great guitarists doing their stuff and trying to copy how they do it. Far quicker to take an online guitar course!

So, your heavy metal guitar lessons online should start with a beginners guitar course, and then you should move on to intermediate. Once you can play your instrument reasonably well, and are familiar with several chords and some scales, you are ready to look at a specific genre: in your case heavy metal.

Online heavy metal lessons will teach you how to get the right sound, and also the various techniques required to enable you to increase your playing speed. You will learn hammer ons that allow you to play more that one note with a single pick of a string, and various other techniques such as vibrato and spider walking around the frets, that not only helps with the flexibility and strength of your fingers, but also enables you to play single notes pretty fast.

The most useful tool for you, however, is the pentatonic scale. Consisting of just five notes, pentatonic scales will enable you to play some good-sounding licks on your guitar, but they take some practice. When you are playing heavy metal, and are into a fast lick, you don't have time to think of the individual notes. You will be playing virtually on autopilot, and will simply be benefiting from and repeating all these hours you spent on your pentatonics.

That is all that most guitar licks are: scales played around the frets, and up and down the neck. Because they are scales, everything stays in tune, which is why they sound so good. Without proper guitar tuition you would find it very difficult to achieve, and would be nothing but one of the "might have beens" that thought they were too good for formal guitar lessons. There is nobody too good for lessons, and every single player out there can benefit from a few lessons, even if just to brush up on their skills and technique.

That is why an online guitar membership site is such a great choice for heavy metal guitar lessons. You can take the beginners courses and then move on to the heavy metal guitar course. Even when you are an adept, you can come back and practice your skills with a few advanced lessons, and perhaps take part in the forum and chat to some of your old friends.

There is no doubt that if you take heavy metal guitar lessons online, you will have a better chance than most of becoming a very good guitar player, and the membership will allow you visit as often and for as long as you like, and try out any of the many courses or teachers available to you on the website.

Read Heavy Metal Guitar Lessons Online and other articles on

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